Serving All Of East Tennessee 865-694-5442

Water Heater Repair & Installation
We offer repairs and replacements of all types of gas and electric water heaters both standard tank type and tankless.
Bathroom renovation
ISchedule us at your conevience for us to come to your house and discuss any size renovations or updates to your bathroom.
Kitchen Renovation
Schedule us at your conevience for us to come to your house and discuss any size renovations or updates to your Kitchen.

Water & Drain Piping Repair & installation
Repairs and replacement of existing water and drain piping.
Backflow Certification, Testing & Repairs
We are state certified in Cross-Connection testing and listed with KUB and all the outlying utilitiy districts.
Repair/Replace/Install Plumbing Fixtures
Service and repairs of fixtures is the staple of a plumbing service company and we can install your fixtures, furnish new fixtures or repair existing fixtures.